Amy Smart
If you’re thinking of going “All the Way to the Ocean” this summer, remember to pack your sunscreen and your smarts; Amy Smart, that is. You may be familiar with this eco-friendly celebrity for her work in Tom Green’s Road Trip or on the hit TV show, Scrubs, but she also spends plenty of time working for the environment. On April 30th, 2006, she read Joel Harper’s All the Way to the Ocean to hundreds of children at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium’s “Commotion in the Ocean” event hosted by Heal the Bay, an organization of which Smart is a board member.
No stranger to boardrooms, she is also a member of the Environmental Media Association’s board, an organization that works towards environmental goals through the television and film industry. Having additionally participated with the Humane Society of the United States, Smart is not stupid about using her celebrity wisely. Even when out of the spotlight, however, she leans toward sustainability.
“I have a real high awareness of the environment. There's so much pollution already happening that I don't want to contribute to it in any way. I just think it's really important. So, hopefully if my name becomes powerful one day, I can use it [to benefit environmental causes].”
Featured in Lucky Magazine’s August 2006 issue, Smart revealed a few of the places she likes to shop for organic clothing and locally-grown produce. While no one is perfect, it seems the Smarter you are, the better for a healthy lifestyle and a hearty environment. If you want our advice, live Smart, just like Amy.