Ow, Hybrid
The first time Aaron slugged my shoulder to express his joy at seeing a shiny new Toyota Prius glide by, I didn't know what to think. Was this the grown-up version of the punch buggy game my brother and I tortured each other with every time we saw a Volkswagen beetle? If so, how had the stakes changed 20 years and 100 pounds later? And, more importantly, what were the rules??!!
To figure out the game, I began a first phase of consumer research: namely, me punching random people on the streets of New York to see how they reacted when I screamed "That's a hybrid!" in their faces. Some people laughed. Others, the early adopters as we call them, nodded in approval, quickly processing what had just happened, understanding the sheer genius of the game, marveling at the viral potential, and immediately scanning the streets for another Prius to get even. Others, let's just say, haven't caught on just yet. There were, I admit, a few insults. A few threats. Many just took off running, perhaps confusing the game for tag. Yes, there was a big guy with a big fist and tiny dog who got in my face saying, "My hummer will crush you, earth lover." I ended the consumer research phase when an increase in the national security alert level made folks a bit too jumpy and suspicious to play.
Here's what I've learned so far... Girls that do yoga are strong, really strong. Sure, the typical yogi might not dig random violence between friends. But once you explain that it's a love tap to celebrate a new hope for cleaner transportation, man, take cover. My girlfriend's barely 5'2, but leaves yogic energy bruises that last a week! Oh, and I'll let you ponder this question I was asked: "If you don't hit me as hard as you can because I'm a woman, does that mean you don't respect me as your equal?"
Beware of high punching zones, namely Los Angeles, San Francisco and Wall Street. Wait, Wall Street? Yup. A line of Toyota Priuses are parked in waiting outside of Goldman Sachs. Apparently the prestigious investment bank has a deal with Ozo Car (www.ozocar.com), the hybrid executive car service.
Beware of economist friends who respond to your punch, "That's no positive externality." Punch first then point. It's not calling it, but landing the punch first.
Phase 3: You telling me what you think of the game!!
New rules, ideas, consumer research reports welcome at jason@shiftmag.com
Version 2.0: Any ideas for bio-diesel cars or battery powered roadsters?
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Anyway, later.