Don't Be a Butt Tosser
Don't Be a Butt Tosser
Here at Shift we we've been known to follow a tasty meal with a satisfying smoke treat. Hey, we're as susceptible to addiction as anyone. But one thing we've been trying really hard to do is throw our butts into the trash instead of flicking them Bogie-style onto the street or sidewalk. Problem with butts is that they're made of nasty stuff like acetate which is basically plastic that doesn't decompose. They also cause fires and get gobbled up by animals that think they're food. That's a lot of damage for such a small thing. But when you consider that the cigarette butt is the single most littered item in the world, it adds up. Check out these stats. They'll make you hack:
• Approximately 4.3 trillion cigarette butts are littered every year globally.
• In most Western countries cigarette butts account for around 50% of all litter.
• Smokers in the USA are responsible for more than 250 billion littered cigarette butts. Brits 200 tons, and Australian smokers litter over 9 billion cigarette butts annually, which is enough to fill 7 Olympic swimming pools.
• It takes up to 12 months in freshwater and up to 5 years in sea water for butts to break down. So there you go. It ain't pretty. But if you can remember to stub your butt and put it in the proper trash receptacle, consider it one less bad habit of yours that everyone else has to deal with.
Not preaching, just saying.
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