The Messiah of Dublin Goes Green
You’re not finished going green just because you’ve traded in your military-sized, fossil-fuel-burning SUV for a cool, clean hybrid car. Now let’s take a look at your closet. How about donating your old clothes to the Salvation Army and investing in a new line of eco-friendly (though wallet-shattering) styles? You can start by heading over to your local Saks Fifth Avenue and checking out the new Edun (“nude” spelled backwards) clothing line from U2 front man, Bono, and his wife Ali Hewson.
The Edun line is part of a coming revolution in the clothing industry that encourages the use of sustainable materials and the promotion of fair labor practices. By avoiding sweatshops in favor of family-run factories in South America and Africa, Edun serves both the interests of local communities, as part of Bono’s fight against extreme poverty, and the interests of consumers in America and Europe looking for quality goods with a moral background.
Though changes in the clothing industry are coming at an increasingly rapid pace, they are not coming at a particularly affordable price. While upscale manufacturers begin to expand their lines of eco-fashion, mainstream Americans find it difficult to afford a $49 organic white short-sleeved t-shirt or a $195 pair of Edun beach pants. We’ve come a long way from the days when an organic shirt meant a piece of fibrous paper wrapped awkwardly around a model, but now we face the challenge of elegantly wrapping more of society in sustainable style.
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