Bag It
Looking for that unique purse or belt to set you apart from the crowd of usual designer fare? Look no further. How about wearing some truly “disposable” fashion this season and helping artisans remain self-sufficient at the same time? Accessories made out of recycled (but crumb-free; don’t worry) potato chip and candy wrappers are appearing in high-end boutiques around the country and can also be found online at sites such as and
The idea began with a nonprofit organization, Grupedsac — or “Group for the Promotion of Education and Sustainable Development” — whose aim it is to help impoverished Mexican Indians become self-sufficient while also preserving the environment ( A social worker who recalled weaving paper suspenders with her mother learned how to make purses from an instructor at Grupdesac and taught the technique to local women. The idea took off, and various entrepreneurs started purchasing the bags in large quantities.
Customers are attracted to the colorful utility of the products, as well as the chance to make an eco-friendly statement. What was once unsightly litter that accumulated in landfills is now folded and woven together to make fashionable handbags, belts, placemats, and other useful accessories. These shiny, sturdy, and snazzy pieces can make quite a splash — and since the conversion from trash to purse is often spectacular, be prepared for some ooh’s and aahh’s the next time your friends see you sporting your new find. (When they start saving Luna Bar wrappers and attempt crafting them into eco-hip accoutrements … feel flattered.)
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